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T- Shirts

Create your own Tee. Have your own tee in mind? Well heres your chance to make any t-shirt youd like!!! Custom Colors Characters Text Personal images etc. Sky is the limit.


Available in Embroidery, Vinyl, And Steam Press





Sizes include 0-12 months

2T- 5T

4 - 3X


Image sizes include

Small - 4x4 inch

Medium - 5x5

Large  - 7x7

Xlarge - 8x8 -12x12

1 Tshirt (sizes 2t - Large)


with small image $8.00

Medium image $10.00

Large Image $12.00

XLarge $15.00


2x-3x tshirts with image $20.00


Add text to any image for an additional $5.00

Charizard T-shirt

Charizard T-shirt Made on site at the wagon wheel flea market. #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #pokemon #pokemongo #charizard #charizard tshirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop

Super Detroit Lion T-shirt

Superman Detroit Lion Tshirt made on site at the wagon wheel flea market. Purchase yours today in any color from 2t up to 10-12 for $8 small medium and large for $10 xl $15 2x-$20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket # #det #charizard #detroitliontshirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit

Ariel Plant Lyfe T-Shirt

This Ariel Plant Lyfe Shirt was made on site at the Wagon Wheel Flea Market! This image ws originally a magnet but with instant creations anything is possible! #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #det #charizard #detroitliontshirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #florida #michigan #Americanmade #LittleMermaid #mermaid #ariel

Vinyl Text Kids T-shirt

This t-shirt was made on site at the Wagon Wheel Flea Market. $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #detroitliontshirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit

Shopkins T-shirt (girl)

This Design is one of a kind! Shopkins has become very popular. this shirt was designed, created, and made on site at the wagon wheel flea market $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #shopkins #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #shopkinst-shirt #girlt-shirt

Gidget T-shirt

The Secret Life Of Pets. Gidget t-shirt made on site at the Wagon Wheel Flea Market! Choose your color and size and have this image tranfered to your custom T-shirt today!!! $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #gidget #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit # # # #

just one more

This Custom t-shirt was created on site at the Wagon Wheel Flea Market. Create your own text and image! Make your imagination reality. $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #Coorslight #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #justonemore #coors #beertshirts #adulttshirt

im not cute im punk rock

This Custom t-shirt was created on site at the Wagon Wheel Flea Market. Create your own text and image! Make your imagination reality. $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #Wagonwheelfleamarket #

it started with a hi

This Custom t-shirt was created on site at the Wagon Wheel Flea Market. Create your own text and image! Make your imagination reality. $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #@tnt_bows_n_gifts #@t8ne21

Worlds Greatest Grandpa

This Custom t-shirt was created on site at the Wagon Wheel Flea Market. Create your own text and image! Make your imagination reality. $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #familyshirts #ashirtforgrandpa #homemade glory #customdesigns

Little Brother Minion T Shirt

Little Brother Minion T-shirt made on site at the wagon wheel flea market! $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #Detroit #Minions #littlebrothertshirt #customshirt #@tnt_bows_n_gifts

Detroit Custom Design T-shirt

$8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #heattransfershirt #detroitvseverybody #detvseverybody #313

I am Seminole T-shirt

Rep your city (Seminole, Fl) t-shirts available $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #seminolefl #tampabayarea #tampabay #florida

I am Largo T-shirts

$8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #largofl #largo #tampabayarea # tpa #florida

We Dont Solve Problems We Create Em

Custom Made Detroit T-shirts $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #detrotistandup #motorcity #Downtowndetroit #dwntwndet

Frozen T-shirts (girls)

$8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #elsa #olaf #frozen #girltshirts

(____)first disney trip

fill i the blank with your personal text (name) $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #vinylmickey #vinylminnie #mickeymouse #minniemouse #

I'd Flex But I Like This Shirt!

HTV Material $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #kidsvinylt-shirt #vinylshirt #flex #kidflex

Little Sister (girl) onesie

print available in all sizes $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #littlesister #lilsist-shirt #babyonesie #babygirlonesie #customonesie

Im Always Geting Picked Up by Women

This is a custom baby onesie. image available on any shirt , color , and size $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #florida #indiana #ind #vinylt-shirt #babyonesie #babyclothes #babyclothing

Deadpool T-shirt

$8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #deadpool #redandblack #Marvel #custommadedeadpool

Charizard T-Shirt

Pokemon Has taken over again with "pokemon go". Fortunately you dont have to work your way through the ranks to obtain a custom pokecard tee!! $8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #pokemongo #pokemon #pokecard #pokemonshirt

Monster High T-shirt

$8 for all shirts up to a kids 10/12 $10 for all shirts between 10/12 and Large xl $15 2x $20 #instantcreations #tntbowsngifts #wagonwheelfleamarket #Kidst-shirt #det #vinylt-shirt #etsy #etsyshopowner #homemadeglory #custom #onestopshop #detroit #Monsterhigh #customt-shirt(girl) #anysizeshirt #custommadeonsite

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